Ready rooms in Riyadh Khalid Aldagoor offer the best deals and prices

Ready rooms in Riyadh Khalid Aldagoor offer the best deals and prices

Ready rooms in Riyadh Khalid Aldagoor institution to offer the best deals and prices of mineral room ready-made and beautifully designed, high quality, with Aldagoor they do not bear the price, because we are the first company in the manufacture and sale of ready-made rooms in Riyadh in the Kingdom, where we cover a lot of projects for private companies and government, where he led circumstances of the times to trend strongly toward metal structures ready-made, such as housing workers, so they are easy to remove and install and transport from one place to another as well as low cost they are very suitable for the current era the era of speed, so many construction companies have competed to create this metal buildings, each according to his abilities and potential, creative available to him. Aldagoor company is one of the best of these companies in Riyadh, where you create these buildings of high quality potential and at great prices.

Characterized by Khalid Mohammed Aldagoor Foundation existence of a working group on a high degree of efficiency is designing and producing metal buildings Ready-art and with very high quality and workmanship, the team is characterized by the ability to carry out the implementation of all the required work meticulously distinct and speed, this company has a long experience in this area makes it at the forefront of the construction companies and prefabricated metal buildings industry.

To see our new in-room prefabricated metal buildings
«Acts of Khaled Mohammed Aldagoor Foundation»


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Sales department in Khalid Mohammed Aldagoor Foundation


Saudi Arabia Riyadh.
Phone: 0544665658


In one recent designs produced by Aldagoor company which is a metal mosque without a niche find the splendor and beauty of the design is simply characterized by severe addition to extreme perfection in its implementation in all its details, as it is implemented in a very short period of time, this building mobile indispensable for those it needs.
Because of the precision work Aldagoor company and high efficiency in the production of metal buildings the company has received several awards in this area, making it at the apex of the best companies producing mobile metal buildings.

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