Sale Guard rooms prefabricated in Riyadh and cabins to guard homes and businesses

Sale Guard rooms prefabricated in Riyadh and cabins to guard homes and businesses

Sale Guard rooms prefabricated in Riyadh and cabins to guard homes and businesses, where we offer you the best prices, as always keen Khalid Mohammed Aldagoor institution that impair customer satisfaction and therefore to provide them with the best and finest products offers favorable prices, in the field of industry guard booths and rooms offer Aldagoor company best and the finest materials with stunning performances for these rooms of all sizes and sizes.

Guard rooms ready in Riyadh:

The forms of the guard room sizes vary according to the client there, including circular shape or a box and the diameters of these cabins vary depending on the number of guards who the stomach room for them on the number of windows in each room is also different, the place which it will guard booth may also matter in the selection room type.

As for the raw materials used in the kiosks guard industry they are newest and finest stomach raw materials for the construction and design of the guard room, ready-made, such as fiberglass This is a glass fiber reinforced well unbearable shocks as it is characterized by the presence of high transparency when you look through it, also move stalls speed when requested by client to the workplace with a dedicated team for the installation of these kiosks.

The best rooms and barracks ready factory in Riyadh:

Also keen Aldagoor factories to take into account all the details of the stalls guard that makes it suitable for life guards inside, with all of this is always surprised Aldagoor company put to spectacular presentations that fit the customer without loss of quality and efficiency of the rooms, always Aldagoor keen to modernize its business and its products according to market needs and the desire of customers .

To see the work of guard and Albaraksat rooms
«Acts of Khaled Mohammed Aldagoor Foundation»


Contact us to get new offers
Sales department in Khalid Mohammed Aldagoor Foundation


Saudi Arabia Riyadh.

Phone + Watts August
Within the Kingdom: 0544665658

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